Steam Juicers

My mother had a steam juicer and the first time I saw this working I was truly amazed. What a really effective method for removing or extracting juices form all sorts of produce!

Steam Juicer assembled ready for use.

This ingenious device uses a gentle steam process to open up the fruit and vegetable cells so that the juice falls in to the juice pot and it can then be drained off to be bottled or canned. This method is ideal for preparing large amounts of juice for storing and would suit people with small orchards or for those who produce more fruits and vegetables than they can eat.

Making the juice is really easy, just fill the water pan with water and place on your cooker hob to boil. Wash your fruit, berries, vegetables etc. and place them in the steamer basket; there is no need to pit or stem the produce. 

Steam the produce for between 40-70 minutes, the juice drains into the juice pot and then you drain the pure juice by removing the clamp on the drainage tube to drain in to your jars, bottles or preferred storage vessel.

I have Mehu Liisa steam juicer the design and build quality are excellent, it is constructed of high grade 18/10 stainless steel and all steel parts are warranted for 10 years. 

The water pan has a thick base ensuring the heat is evenly distributed which ensures easy steam flow for better juicing and more efficient use of energy. This steam juicer is not a new fangled gadget and has been around for over 40 years. If you are on the look out for one of these steamers they are expensive but will pay for themselves time and time again. There appears to be quite a lot of aluminium alloy versions available for Eastern Europe, personally I would avoid these like I avoid all aluminium cooking pans, stainless steel is so much easier to clean and use.

The steam juicer can be used to make large amounts of pure juice and can also be used to make cordials, jellies, jam, chutney and preserves from soft skinned fruits and berries like grapes, apples, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries etc. It can also be used to steam and cook complete meals whilst preserving the natural flavour and nutritional value. It is great for steaming mussels, lobster, corn on the cob, meats, potatoes, puddings, and cakes. Although it is possible to use the water pan and lid for traditional oven cooking methods like casseroles and stews I have not tried this (yet).

Summary of uses:
* Water pan and lid can be used on stove top or as a roasting dish
* Make juice, purees, chutneys, cordials, jellies, jams and preserves
* Can also be used as a conventional food steamer

If you process your own produce then this is an absolute must for you!

Recipe book from Mehu Lissa click here.

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